Wireless Temperature Data Logger

for warehouses, transportation & pharma cold chain

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Data Logger for Cold Chain


Tec4med’s wireless temperature data loggers continuously store data on its internal memory. The data can be collected using a SmartHub gateway to send all data to the cloud in real time or via the app for smartphones.

This can ensure compliant temperature reporting of your refrigerator, freezer, warehouse, storage, etc. In case of temperature deviation, alerts are sent immediately via SMS / email / browser.

How do wireless temperature data loggers work?


Tec4med’s Beacons constantly record temperature, humidity, and shock. The wireless data loggers record measurements on an internal memory and send the data wireless on a regular basis to the cloud server using a gateway device or app.

The advantage of wireless temperature loggers is the automatic data transmission and the saving of error-prone manual work. USB loggers require many additional steps in handling.

Wireless data loggers can also trigger immediate alarms if temperature excursions occur. The cloud server sends these alarms to the users via SMS and email.

TempBeacon & CryoBeacon

TempBeacon & CryoBeacon

TempBeacon & CryoBeacon


Wireless Data Logger

Temperature (-200° to +80°C)


according to ISO17025


anual re-calibration and included cloud software

Frequently Asked Questions about Tec4med’s Wireless Temperature Data Loggers


What is a wireless data logger?


Data loggers are devices that monitor environmental influences such as temperature and humidity.

A wireless data logger automatically transmits the recorded data to the web-based cloud via a gateway or smartphone app. This eliminates the need for manual readout via a USB connection to a PC. This enables real-time monitoring of the data and an uninterrupted recording of the temperature, as the data logger can always remain at the measurement location.

Which benefits do wireless temperature data loggers have?


Automatic data transmission via gateway or app

Real-time monitoring; uninterrupted monitoring

Permanent insight of the data in the cloud

Deviations can be detected immediately and trigger alarms

Accurate data thanks to pre-calibrated sensors

Loggers are remotely readable

How do I read out temperature data loggers?


Traditionally, data loggers with USB connectors can be read out only by connecting physically to a computer. Thanks to the wireless connection of Tec4med’s data loggers, manual reading is no longer necessary. The choice is yours: let a gateway collect all data from surrounding beacons and automatically send it to the cloud or read individual beacons by scanning with the app.

What data do the data loggers measure?


A data logger can monitor different environmental parameters but is most frequently used for measuring temperature and humidity. This makes them useful in applications such as temperature validation, mapping, and monitoring.

In combination with a gateway can also be used to determine the position via geo-location / GPS e.g. for shipping. This can also be achieved through the app and the GPS tracking of smartphones.

How much does a wireless temperature data logger cost?


Depending on the industry and requirements, data loggers also come with additional costs. They may need to be calibrated and special software purchased.

Tec4med offers data loggers only pre-calibrated according to ISO17025 secure high standards. We also offer data loggers in service models including annual recalibration and cloud subscriptions. Do not hesitate to contact us with your application.